Posts Tagged "prenatal education"

If birth is so natural, then why do I have to take classes?

If birth is so natural, then why do I have to take classes?

Human beings are cerebral creatures who think way too much. And we come with baggage. Add to that the fact that we have been socialized by the media into believing that birth is a horrible, painful thing that needs lots of medical intervention, and you have a major challenge. Birth in the US is not evidenced based. The ways in which laboring and birthing women are treated and cared for are not the ways that will produce the healthiest outcomes. Most women desire to have a loved one/husband/partner/friend trained as their primary labor assistant, or at least thoroughly educated so they know...

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How to stay Healthy and low risk – Avoidance of Harmful substances

How to stay Healthy and low risk – Avoidance of Harmful substances Recently, I was standing on line at the grocery store, got into an odd conversation with the clerk. It resulted in her asking me “What do you think about all these medications that women take these days during pregnancy or breastfeeding”. “Well,” I said, warming up my elevator speech, “Women need to discuss anything they take with their care provider ahead of time and decide whether it is really medically necessary. Then they need to weigh the benefits of taking the medication against the risks.” But here is what I did...

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