10 Sneaky ways of increasing protein & variety (and getting more out of the Brewer diet)

Amy V. Haas, BCCE

“In addition to 3 meals a day, that include a protein, complex carbohydrate, vegetable/Fruit, and a calcium source, be sure to eat at least 2 snacks a day. Try these tips for increasing your protein and variety of whole foods:

1) Boil up a whole bunch of hard-boiled eggs. Take a sharpie and label each with an H before refrigerating. Snack on them and don’t spare the salt!

2) Look for cottage cheese that is cultured and high in protein – like the brand Good Culture. Snack on a half cup of that each day.

3) Find a good cultured full-fat yogurt, which is also low sugar. Pro tip: buy plain and add fresh fruit, and a teaspoon of maple syrup.

4) Snack on salted nuts all day long. Especially walnuts & almonds. Add nuts to any cereal you eat.

5) Drink a glass of milk, or your favorite milk substitute with each meal. (Note: Soy milk and milk made from peas are the only ones with adequate protein or calcium. Choose Organic/Non-GMO whenever possible.

6) Find a good whole grain / whole wheat bread that you like, top it with cheese, or peanut butter, or hummus. You don’t have to eat whole sandwich. One slice with a protein on top as a snack will help.

7) Add fruit to each one of these snacks. Blueberries for the cottage cheese; an orange with your egg; Grapes along with your salted nuts; Apples and peanut butter, or cheddar cheese, etc.

9) If you’re eating a canned soup, choose ones with meat, beans, or lentils/split peas. For any soup you’re eating throw a handful of baby leafy greens such as spinach, kale, or arugula into the bottom of the cup. Pop it into the microwave to heat it up, and then top with your favorite pasteurized, crumbled or grated cheese.

9) Make, or buy hummus. You can also make white bean hummus. Snack on it with carrots, zucchini, or celery sticks etc.

10) Top salads with nuts, cheese and beans. Throw greens & beans into soups and stews, and top with cheese.”

(Copyright: A. V. Haas, 2022)