Posts Tagged "Bradley Childbirth classes"

Guilt in Childbirth, and the need for Balance

Guilt in Childbirth, and the need for Balance

A recent popular publication posted an interview with a retired doctor who believes that natural birth is evil, promotes guilt, and was invented by a doctor in the 1950”s.  This woman tends to vehemently promote medicalized birth, and is presently selling a book she wrote.  I don’t have a problem with promoting your work, but when you make statements like “Dr. Grantly Dick-Reed invented Natural Childbirth”, and that natural childbirth is a bad way to go, it borders on insanity. (I won’t reference this person’s name, or book, because it just feeds the troll, as the saying goes. But, if you...

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The Importance of Childbirth Education

The Importance of Childbirth Education

The Educated Parent: The Importance of Childbirth Education By Amy V. Haas, BCCE  Congratulations! You and your partner are expecting a baby! What next? Well, if you have already chosen your care-provider, your next step will be to find a Childbirth Education class that fits your family’s needs. The best childbirth classes are going to ones that are the most thorough & comprehensive. Short hospital classes are offered in most communities, but remember, hospitals are in the business of making money. Hospital classes sell hospital services to the attendees of those classes. Add to that the...

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