Posts Tagged "birth education"

Guilt in Childbirth, and the need for Balance

Guilt in Childbirth, and the need for Balance

A recent popular publication posted an interview with a retired doctor who believes that natural birth is evil, promotes guilt, and was invented by a doctor in the 1950”s.  This woman tends to vehemently promote medicalized birth, and is presently selling a book she wrote.  I don’t have a problem with promoting your work, but when you make statements like “Dr. Grantly Dick-Reed invented Natural Childbirth”, and that natural childbirth is a bad way to go, it borders on insanity. (I won’t reference this person’s name, or book, because it just feeds the troll, as the saying goes. But, if you...

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The Sociology of Birth

How our cultural socialization effects how we birth – Socialization about birth in the United States is a pervasive thing. We are, from the time we are born, receiving messages about our roles in life, and subsequently our ability to birth or be a parent. Both males and females go through this. How we are socialized by our culture and our families dictates our personal beliefs about ourselves and our respective roles. The United States is somewhat unique in this, as a great deal of disassociation from the body and cultural ritual has taken place. Mass consumerism and affluence have shifted...

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How to stay Healthy and low risk – Avoidance of Harmful substances

How to stay Healthy and low risk – Avoidance of Harmful substances Recently, I was standing on line at the grocery store, got into an odd conversation with the clerk. It resulted in her asking me “What do you think about all these medications that women take these days during pregnancy or breastfeeding”. “Well,” I said, warming up my elevator speech, “Women need to discuss anything they take with their care provider ahead of time and decide whether it is really medically necessary. Then they need to weigh the benefits of taking the medication against the risks.” But here is what I did...

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