Vaginal Birth

Risk Mitigation

Risk Mitigation

Risk Mitigation in childbirth education

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What is Physiologic birth?

What is Physiologic birth?

Physiologic birth is very simply what we call natural birth. It is the way that human bodies are biologically designed to give birth without interference. The human female body is designed to grow a new human, birth that human, and nourish that human. You are one stop shopping! It involves nourishing the woman growing a new human. Proper pregnancy nutrition helps to support her body and pregnancy, as well as creating a properly expanded blood volume, and working to prevent problems that can interfere with the birth process.  Physiologic birth in a well-nourished body increases...

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Vaginal Breech Birth

Vaginal Breech Birth

BREECH BIRTH A Breech birth is one in which the baby’s buttocks, foot, or feet come out of the mother’s body first, rather that the head. Most babies are born head first, or vertex, as it’s known. It is most common in the United States today for a doctor to perform a cesarean section, rather that allow a woman with a breech baby to birth vaginally. This occurs for various reasons, including the medical establishment’s belief that there are more risks to vaginal breech births, and for legal liability reasons on the part of the doctors. The problem is that this leads them to ignore the...

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Microbirth film showing and expert panel

Microbirth film showing and expert panel

The Institute for Family-Centered Childbirth would like to invite you to a showing of the ground-breaking film Microbirth on Saturday, November 12th, 2016, from 2 – 4 pm at Shults Auditorium, Nazareth College.  Please join us after the film for an expert panel discussion.  Three of the foremost researchers in the field will be discussing the film, their work, and the implications for the future of community health.Included on our panel with be:   – Dr. Mary Caserta, University of Rochester Professor of Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases   – Dr. Rodney Dietert, Cornell...

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