Posts Tagged "birth education"

Why Bradley? Debunking the Myths of the Classic Natural Childbirth Class.

Why Bradley? Debunking the Myths of the Classic Natural Childbirth Class.

Debunking the myths of Bradley natural childbirth class.

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Pathways to a Healthy Birth

Pathways to a Healthy Birth

A little light reading to help understand how birth hormones work to facilitate birth in a positive way.  So in addition to taking a Bradley Natural Childbirth series, and learning how to stay healthy and low risk, you can learn more about how your hormones work and the impact of interventions on birth. Learning what is normal and how to promote that helps you have a healthier experience. Click the link below to learn more, and contact Amy for more information on Bradley classes pathway-to-a-healthy-birth-booklet (Credit: Childbirth Connection)  

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Does your childbirth education class include all of these topics?

Does your childbirth education class include all of these topics?

Bradley Method Natural Childbirth classes are incredibly comprehensive and include all of the following topics and more! Nutrition Pregnancy exercises How to stay healthy and low risk Choosing a care-provider Choosing a birth place Evidence based maternity care? training your partner Doulas Natural labor techniques 1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage Comfort measures 36 common interventions Variations on the theme of birth Danger signs Emergencies (prevention/natural resolutions) Medically necessary interventions Breastfeeding Immediate postpartum care Immediate Baby care And more! If the class...

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Pain to Pleasure – The Bradley connection

Pain to Pleasure – The Bradley connection

Pain to pleasure in birth After listening to Debra Pascali-Bonaro’s presentation Pain to Pleasure During Birth [] , I was struck by how similar the recommendations were to what Dr. Robert Bradley was teaching over 60 years ago. I was pleased to see how much of this is already being taught in Bradley classes, and always has been.  While he may not have ever talked about orgasm as a part of birth (I bet he would now :>), he did talk about privacy, darkness, solitude, quiet, relaxation, and intimate partner support. When Dr. Bradley first started supporting...

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If birth is so natural, then why do I have to take classes?

If birth is so natural, then why do I have to take classes?

Human beings are cerebral creatures who think way too much. And we come with baggage. Add to that the fact that we have been socialized by the media into believing that birth is a horrible, painful thing that needs lots of medical intervention, and you have a major challenge. Birth in the US is not evidenced based. The ways in which laboring and birthing women are treated and cared for are not the ways that will produce the healthiest outcomes. Most women desire to have a loved one/husband/partner/friend trained as their primary labor assistant, or at least thoroughly educated so they know...

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